Protection of children in cars

9th International Conference Protection of Children in Cars





Start: 01.12.2011
Start: 01.12.2011
End: 02.12.2011
Conference venue: TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH
Westendstraße 199
80686 Munich
Conference number: 5111000-11-0003

The Conference

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Klaus Langwieder

The program 2011 confirms the increasing role of this worldwide platform for CRS research and development, for child accident research, biomechanics, for rulemaking, safety testing, for consumer information, NCAP activities and safety campaigns. New countries submitted scientific studies and field observations and the participation of more than 25 countries from all continents is to be expected.

The progress in important key subjects of child safety will be discussed covering the new ECE regulation, new test tools/dummies and test procedures, especially side impact. Special focus is given to accident data, the continuing problem of misuse and to new developments of human models.

Preceding the conference, a workshop “Child Safety and Cultural Approach” on Wednesday, November 30 addresses the situation in road traffic and the level of child protection in different countries in order to promote concepts for improved safety behaviour, increased child safety and effective safety campaigns worldwide.

Leading international research units, CRS and car manufacturers, universities, consumer organisations take part as well as representatives of rulemaking, specialists in dummy and test development, paediatricians, experts in accident research and biomechanics – assigning this conference to be one of the most important meetings in child safety.

 locandina 9th International Conference Protection of children in cars